
ruminations on random topics which may or may not interest the public at large.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

technical difficulties resolved

crash course in css and i got things sorted out for you IE folks, which is the bulk of you. saw an article about firefox and it's marketshare. seems that they hit the wall. the "anything but microsoft" crowd was tapped out somewhere below 20%. so 80% either like MS or don't care. going back to IE to test the site was a little rough for me. after using firefox for so long, IE seems pretty clumsy and cumbersome. the tabbed browsing thing is key. safari has tabs too, but you have to activate it in the preferences.


  • At October 12, 2005 6:05 PM, Blogger Dana said…

    Hey Anton, you can avoid comment spam by turning on word verification. It's under the settings menu, on the comments tab. It's totally worth it unless you enjoy people filling your comments with advertisements for their own NASCAR blogs, home swimming pool instilation blogs, and womens hair removal blogs. Although judging from your photo there, hair removal might not be a bad idea :)


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