
ruminations on random topics which may or may not interest the public at large.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

i got your decoder ring right here...

man, those intelligent design folks in dover got their asses handed to them. ah yeah! don't need no decoder ring to understand that message.

i don't know what it means for the trial though. i'd be pretty pissed if i were a tax payer in that school district. if the district loses, they could be liable for the legal costs of the folks suing them. and those folks suing them have a good case. a really good case. turns out that the folks behind the whole ID thing have pushed a lot of other religion in government causes, with undermines their argument that they're pushing ID 'cause its good science (which it isn't).

interesting notes from the elections. has the republican "revolution" run it's course? perhaps in virginia. and in ohio? not that the republicans ever came through on many of their promises. not that the democrats are worth a whole lot either. shit, the only reason kerry had any chance last year was because outside groups like waged a spirited campaign. kerry brought nuthin' but being "not george bush".

this lighting in from the bombings in jordan (new york times) spookily resembes goya's "third of may" painting.


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