
ruminations on random topics which may or may not interest the public at large.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

white people get stranger every day

watched brother from another planet yesterday with my uncle. gotta watch it every couple of years, he says. john sayles. his directoral debut? not sure. damn funny though.

went to the gym yesterday. got a new membership at epicenter fitness. one of the guys answering the phones there doesn't get it that it isn't epic center. one word, dude. anyway, i was going to get a membership at the ymca in the university district cause that's where my lady friend goes. but she wanted to switch, so we got in at this place. nice place. they have one downtown seattle and one in bellevue. i was in early in the days, so it wasn't crowded at all. not much interest to me, but all the cardio equipment has dvd players! anyway, lifting is rough. i haven't done it in like 2 years. not since the night i asked my lady friend out back in '03. at the ymca. it was an easy work out too. just a little something to get the muscles adapted to what's going to hit them. well, i'm damned sore today. and riding up to my aunt and uncles afteward was a trip. my legs were awfully sluggish to get started. pedalling circles was about impossible. and i didn't have any acceleration.

got a package from michellin today.
Thank you for subitting your outstanding results. We are pleased to see that you are doing well this cycling season. Enclosed please find your coupon and/or cash prize check along with a special michelin Podium hat. This hat is to only to be worn by you. Podium hats are only given to those who have earned them. Looking at your results, you are certainly worthy enough to wear this podium hat.
ah yeah! i guess that's what you get when you win the state crit. and a check. gotta love getting checks for riding your bike! i'm worthy! finally!

RC2000 has a website.

creating good will for US in pakistan. really, its difficult to imagine a better and more timely chance to really win some hearts and minds in that part of the world. cause, you know, bombs in iraq and afganistan haven't quite done it.

bird flu. terrorism and bird flus are the fashionable fears. but really, the most dangerous thing we do everyday is drive. millions die every year in accidents, primarily caused by speeding.


  • At November 05, 2005 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey cuz!
    I don't think "brother from another..." was sayles' first, he made like 2 or 3 before that. However it was his first
    "hit". Including that one, he made a string of good films in the 80's and early 90's including "Matewan", "Eight Men Out" and "City of Hope".

  • At November 07, 2005 12:06 PM, Blogger pleasure said…

    WC would know.


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