
ruminations on random topics which may or may not interest the public at large.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

good times in the dark continent

chaos grows in darfur.

i have an idea. let's take as many able bodied men and women from africa as we can. that way, when the rest of the world's population explodes, theirs will stagnate. after that we can build colonies. we'll take everything of value while keeping all but a few of the local inhabitants poor. when we're done we can throw a bunch of countries together and wish them luck. then, when there's an epidemic of catastrophic proportions, lets ignore it until it is too far along and it will again claim an entired generation of able bodied men and women, stagnating population and economic growth for a second time. all the while, let's indescriminately pump millions of inexpensive guns, landmines, grenades and missiles into the continent so that anybody who wants an army or militia can have a well armed one. any aid to the country should come as economic aid that really benefits our own corporations and banks rather than building a sound middle class in that continent. oh yeah, and when a country in the south codifies a system of racial brutality and official racism, lets support them with even more guns and technology to support that system. hell, i'll bet IBM has a killer application that will be critical to that government's ability to track terrorists like nelson mandella. sounds like a killer experiemnt, huh?


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