
ruminations on random topics which may or may not interest the public at large.

Friday, October 21, 2005

mumble in the jungle

so, RC2000 wants to be a reference. the problem with RC2000 having plenty to say is that nobody can hear him 'cause he's mumbling all the time. i'd hate to have his glowing comments misunderstood.

electric pumpkin carving knife huh? yeah, you better have some fucking good designs if you're going to pull that shit out. i carved two pumpkins last night. i carve quick and with purpose. it'd be tough to get that time cut in half. pictures will come later, when i get my camera, which i left upstairs. and when i get a solid draft of this cover letter done. here's a quote:
as a member of the board of directors of LWV, i am well practiced in appearing attentive while actually being asleep. i can work well in teams, even when the others (as they typically are) are totally unreasonable and just plain jerks. and mumble a lot.
yeah. valuable skills for any job, really.

i'm supposed to interview some kid from oregon about being on the team. i'm so past membership. what a hassle!

SNDK nearly doubled profit. google is way up. today is a good day to be a big fat retiree. ah yeah!


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