
ruminations on random topics which may or may not interest the public at large.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

one good thing about music...

...when it hits, you feel no pain.

so, my uncle's organs are shutting down. things were the worst on saturday and sunday. his body has since been rallying and he is now awake and responsive, although a bit groggy and very fatigued. this is a great thing for all of us. his slip into unconsciousness was totally unexpected and all of us were caught totally unprepared. now, we all have the opportunity to say good bye.

the outlook is for him to make it for a few days to a week. in reality, it is a waiting game. how difficult must this be for him? a brave man. when he woke up, he did not know what was happening. he asked, and my aunt, choking her sobs back, explained that his organs were shutting down. he asked "am i dying" and she had to respond "yes". i cannot imagine anything more difficult than this. these are brave people. doctors have told him many times that he was going to die, but he has always pulled through. he's phenomenally resiliant. i think that now, he is making his peace.

a story:

when peter was home and situated in his bed, my cousin and family friend jawara brought in a stereo. will asked peter if he wanted some music on. peter asked for marley. will brought in a bob marley live cd and put it on. the first song was "trenchtown rock". you know, "one good thing about music, when it hits, you feel no pain." could it have been a more appropriate song? anyway, everybody was very excited that peter was conversant and home. the music really hit the spot, and everybody was in high spirits. debbie threw up her hands and danced a bit. peter responded by puting his arms up as well and shaking his hips as best he could. it was beautiful.

cousin will has long made it his habit to appropriate peter's music collection to himself. even i have a nina simone cd of peter's. well, this morning, will had a cd of peter's playing, one which he'd had for some time. will asked peter if he knew what was playing, and peter responded "yes, you never gave it back". ha ha!

music is an important part of peter's life. jazz, classical, latin, blues. its all there. he'd likely subscribe to the view that "there are only two kinds of music: good and bad."

thank you to all who have offered their condolences and support. i really appreciate it.


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